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Supermarket API

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The Supermarket API is used to provide access to cookbooks, tools, and users on the Chef Supermarket. All of the cookbooks, tools, and users on the Supermarket are accessible through a RESTful API by accessing via the supported endpoints. In most cases, knife is the best way to interact with the Supermarket; however in some cases, direct use of the Supermarket API is necessary. .. note:: In general, using knife (and the knife supermarket subcommand) to manage cookbooks that are located on the Cookbooks site is more efficient than using the Supermarket API and is the recommended approach for managing cookbooks on that site. This document provides information about the Supermarket API in the event that using the API is necessary.


The Supermarket API has the following endpoints.


A cookbook is the fundamental unit of configuration and policy distribution. A cookbook defines a scenario and contains everything that is required to support that scenario:

  • Recipes that specify the resources to use and the order in which they are to be applied
  • Attribute values
  • File distributions
  • Templates
  • Extensions to Chef, such as custom resources and libraries

The /cookbooks endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


The POST method is used to create a new cookbook.

This method has no parameters.


POST /api/v1/cookbooks/COOKBOOK_NAME


The response is similar to:

  "name": "apt",
  "maintainer": "opscode",
  "description": "Configures apt and apt services and LWRPs for managing apt repositories and preferences",
  "category": "Package Management",
  "latest_version": "",
  "external_url": "",
  "average_rating": null,
  "created_at": "2009-10-25T23:48:48.000Z",
  "updated_at": "2014-05-15T17:45:14.000Z"
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. The cookbook was posted to the Supermarket API.


The request was unsuccessful. The cookbook was not posted to the Supermarket API. For example:

   ["You're not authorized to upload this cookbook."],
   "error_code": "UNAUTHORIZED"


The GET method is used to get a listing of the available cookbooks. Use the start and items parameters to set limits on the number of cookbooks returned. Use the order parameter to change the way results are sorted. Use the user parameter to filter cookbooks by maintainer:

startThe offset into a list of cookbooks, at which point the list of cookbooks will begin.
itemsThe number of items to be returned as a result of the request.
orderA token specifying how to order results. Possible values: recently_updated, recently_added, most_downloaded, or most_followed.
userThe username to filter by. Only cookbooks maintained by this user will be returned.


GET /api/v1/cookbooks?start=START&items=ITEMS


GET /api/v1/cookbooks?user=smith


The response will return the name of the cookbook, a description, URI, the name of the individual who maintains the cookbook. In addition, the total number of cookbooks on Supermarket API is shown, as well (if start is specified) the point at which the list of returned cookbooks began:

   "total": 5234,
   "start": 20,
        {"cookbook_name": "apache",
         "cookbook_description": "installs apache.",
         "cookbook": "",
         "cookbook_maintainer": "john"
        {"cookbook_name": "fail2ban",
         "cookbook_description": "installs fail2ban.",
         "cookbook": "",
         "cookbook_maintainer": "jill"
        {"cookbook_name": "mysql",
         "cookbook_description": null,
         "cookbook": "",
         "cookbook_maintainer": "barry"
        {"cookbook_name": "capistrano",
         "cookbook_description": null,
         "cookbook": "",
         "cookbook_maintainer": "pt"
        {"cookbook_name": "ptapache",
         "cookbook_description": "an alternate apache recipe.",
         "cookbook": "",
         "cookbook_maintainer": "pt"
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. One or more cookbooks were returned as a result of the search query.


The cookbooks/[NAME] endpoint allows a specific cookbook to be accessed. This endpoint has the following methods: DELETE and GET.


The DELETE method is used to delete a cookbook.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /api/v1/cookbooks/cookbook_name


The response is similar to:

  "name": "apt",
  "maintainer": "opscode",
  "description": "Configures apt and apt services and LWRPs for managing apt repositories and preferences",
  "category": "Package Management",
  "latest_version": "",
  "external_url": "",
  "average_rating": null,
  "created_at": "2009-10-25T23:48:48.000Z",
  "updated_at": "2014-05-15T17:45:14.000Z"
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. The cookbook was deleted.


The request was unsuccessful. The requested cookbook does not exist. For example:

   ["Resource does not exist"],
   "error_code": "NOT_FOUND"


Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action. The user is not authorized to delete the cookbook. For example:



The GET method is used to get the details for a cookbook.

This method has no parameters.


GET /api/v1/cookbooks/COOKBOOK_NAME


The response will return details for a cookbook, including name of the cookbook, the category to which it belongs, the name of the individual who maintains the cookbook, the URI for the latest version and previous versions, its description, and so on it also includes metrics about the cookbooks namely number of downloads and followers:

  "name": "yum",
  "maintainer": "opscode",
  "description": "Configures various yum components on Red Hat-like systems",
  "category": "Package Management",
  "latest_version": "",
  "external_url": "",
  "average_rating": null,
  "created_at": "2011-04-20T22:16:12.000Z",
  "updated_at": "2014-06-11T19:06:37.000Z",
  "deprecated": false,
  "versions": [
  "metrics": {
    "downloads": {
      "total": 8500
      "versions": {
        "3.2.0": 399,
        "3.2.2": 1
   "followers": 55

If a cookbook is deprecated, that status is noted by the deprecated field (being true):

  "name": "apache",
  "category": "web servers",
  "deprecated": true,
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. The requested cookbook exists.


The request was unsuccessful. The requested cookbook does not exist. For example:

   ["Resource does not exist"],
   "error_code": "NOT_FOUND"


A cookbook version always takes the form x.y.z, where x, y, and z are decimal numbers that are used to represent major (x), minor (y), and patch (z) versions. A two-part version (x.y) is also allowed. When passing a cookbook version using this method, underscores ("_") should be used as the separator between versions. For example, a cookbook with a version 1.0.1 would be 1_0_1.

The /cookbooks/[VERSION] endpoint has the following methods: DELETE and GET.


The DELETE method is used to delete a cookbook version.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /api/v1/cookbooks/cookbook_name/versions/version


The response is similar to:

  "license": "Apache 2.0",
  "tarball_file_size": 18553,
  "version": "2.4.0",
  "average_rating": null,
  "cookbook": "",
  "file": "",
  "dependencies": {},
  "platforms": {
    "debian": ">= 0.0.0",
    "ubuntu": ">= 0.0.0"
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. The cookbook version was deleted.


The request was unsuccessful. The requested cookbook or cookbook version does not exist. For example:

   ["Resource does not exist"],
   "error_code": "NOT_FOUND"


Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action. The user is not authorized to delete the cookbook version. For example:



The GET method is used to get a specific version of a cookbook. Use latest to get the most recent version of a cookbook.

This method has no parameters.


GET /api/v1/cookbooks/COOKBOOK_NAME/versions/latest


GET /api/v1/cookbooks/COOKBOOK_NAME/versions/VERSION


The response will return details for a cookbook version, including the license under which the cookbook is distributed, the most recent update, version, URI, date of cookbook creation, path to the cookbook’s tar.gz file, its dependencies and platforms it supports and so on:

  "license": "Apache 2.0",
  "tarball_file_size": 18553,
  "version": "2.4.0",
  "average_rating": null,
  "cookbook": "",
  "file": "",
  "dependencies": {},
  "platforms": {
    "debian": ">= 0.0.0",
    "ubuntu": ">= 0.0.0"
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. The requested cookbook exists.


The request was unsuccessful. The requested cookbook does not exist. For example:

   ["Resource does not exist"],
   "error_code": "NOT_FOUND"

Search performs a fuzzy, keyword search on cookbook names, cookbook descriptions, and the cookbook owners' usernames.

The /search endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get a list of cookbooks that match a search query. Use the start and items parameters to set limits on the number of cookbooks returned:

qThe search query used to identify a list of items on a Chef Infra Server. This option uses the same syntax as the search subcommand.
startThe row at which return results begin.
itemsThe number of rows to be returned.


GET /api/v1/search?q=SEARCH_QUERY


GET /api/v1/search?q=SEARCH_QUERY&start=START&items=ITEMS


The response will return a list of cookbooks by name and description and will return a list of cookbooks that match the search query. Each returned data set will include the name of the cookbook, a description, the URI, and the name of the individual who maintains the cookbook. In addition, the total number of cookbooks on Supermarket API is shown, as well (if start is specified) the point at which the list of returned cookbooks began:

  "total": 2,
  "start": 0,
  "items": [
      "cookbook_name": "apache",
      "cookbook_description": "installs a web server.",
      "cookbook": "",
      "cookbook_maintainer": "jtimberman"
      "cookbook_name": "webserver",
      "cookbook_description": "installs apache.",
      "cookbook": "",
      "cookbook_maintainer": "raxmus"
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. One or more cookbooks were returned as a result of the search query.


The tools endpoint allows Chef Supermarket tools to be accessed. This endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get a listing of the available tools. Use the start and items parameters to set limits on the number of tools returned. Use the order parameter to change the way results are sorted.

startThe offset into a list of tools, at which point the list of tools will begin.
itemsThe number of items to be returned as a result of the request.
orderA token specifying how to order results. Possible values: recently_added.


GET /api/v1/tools?start=START&items=ITEMS


GET /api/v1/tools?order=recently_added


The response will return the name of the tool, a type, description, owner, source URL and URI. In addition, the total number of tools on Supermarket API is shown, as well (if start is specified) the point at which the list of returned tools began:

  "start": 0,
  "total": 56,
  "items": [
      "tool_name": "Berkflow",
      "tool_type": "chef_tool",
      "tool_source_url": "",
      "tool_description": "A Cookbook-Centric Deployment workflow tool",
      "tool_owner": "reset",
      "tool": ""
      "tool_name": "Berkshelf",
      "tool_type": "chef_tool",
      "tool_source_url": "",
      "tool_description": "A Chef Cookbook manager",
      "tool_owner": "reset",
      "tool": ""
      "tool_name": "Berkshelf-API",
      "tool_type": "chef_tool",
      "tool_source_url": "",
      "tool_description": "Berkshelf dependency API server",
      "tool_owner": "reset",
      "tool": ""
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. One or more tools were returned.

The tools endpoint allows Chef Supermarket tools to be searched. This endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get a list of tools that match a search query. Use the start and items parameters to set limits on the number of tools returned:

qThe search query used to identify a list of items on a Chef Infra Server. This option uses the same syntax as the search subcommand.
startThe row at which return results begin.
itemsThe number of rows to be returned.


GET /api/v1/tools-search?q=SEARCH_QUERY


GET /api/v1/tools-search?q=SEARCH_QUERY&start=START&items=ITEMS


The response will return a list of tools that match the search query. Each returned data set will include the name of the tool, a type, description, owner, source URL and URI. In addition, the total number of tools that match the query on Supermarket API is shown, as well (if start is specified) the point at which the list of returned tools began:

  "start": 0,
  "total": 1,
  "items": [
      "tool_name": "knife-rhn",
      "tool_type": "knife_plugin",
      "tool_source_url": "",
      "tool_description": "Knife Plugin for Red Hat Network (RHN)",
      "tool_owner": "bflad",
      "tool": ""
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. One or more tools were returned as a result of the search query.


The tools/[SLUG] endpoint allows a specific tool to be accessed. This endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get the details for a tool.

This method has no parameters.


GET /api/v1/tools/TOOL_SLUG


The response will return details for a tool, including the name of the tool, a type, description, owner, source URL and install instructions as markdown:

  "name": "Berkshelf",
  "slug": "berkshelf",
  "type": "chef_tool",
  "source_url": "",
  "description": "A Chef Cookbook manager",
  "instructions": "# Berkshelf\r\n[![Gem Version](][gem]\r\n[![Build Status](][travis]\r\n\r\n[gem]:\r\n[travis]:\r\n\r\nManage a Cookbook or an Application's Cookbook dependencies\r\n\r\n## Installation\r\n\r\nBerkshelf is now included as part of the [Chef-DK]( This is fastest, easiest, and the recommended installation method for getting up and running with Berkshelf.\r\n\r\n> note: You may need to uninstall the Berkshelf gem especially if you are using a Ruby version manager you may need to uninstall all Berkshelf gems from each Ruby installation.\r\n\r\n### From Rubygems\r\n\r\nIf you are a developer or you prefer to install from Rubygems, we've got you covered.\r\n\r\nAdd Berkshelf to your repository's `Gemfile`:\r\n\r\n```ruby\r\ngem 'berkshelf'\r\n```\r\n\r\nOr run it as a standalone:\r\n\r\n    gem install berkshelf\r\n\r\n## Usage\r\n\r\nSee []( for up-to-date usage instructions.\r\n\r\n## Supported Platforms\r\n\r\nBerkshelf is tested on Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0, and 2.1.\r\n\r\nRuby 1.9 mode is required on all interpreters.\r\n\r\nRuby 1.9.1 and 1.9.2 are not officially supported. If you encounter problems, please upgrade to Ruby 2.0 or 1.9.3.\r\n\r\n## Configuration\r\n\r\nBerkshelf will search in specific locations for a configuration file. In order:\r\n\r\n    $PWD/.berkshelf/config.json\r\n    $PWD/berkshelf/config.json\r\n    $PWD/berkshelf-config.json\r\n    $PWD/config.json\r\n    ~/.berkshelf/config.json\r\n\r\nYou are encouraged to keep project-specific configuration in the `$PWD/.berkshelf` directory. A default configuration file is generated for you, but you can update the values to suit your needs.\r\n\r\n## Shell Completion\r\n\r\n- [Bash](\r\n- [ZSH](\r\n\r\n## Plugins\r\n\r\nPlease see [Plugins page]( for more information.\r\n\r\n## Getting Help\r\n\r\n* If you have an issue: report it on the [issue tracker](\r\n* If you have a question: visit the #general or #berkshelf channel in the Chef Community Slack (\r\n\r\n## Authors\r\n\r\n[The Berkshelf Core Team](\r\n\r\nThank you to all of our [Contributors](, testers, and users.\r\n\r\nIf you'd like to contribute, please see our [contribution guidelines]( first.\r\n",
  "owner": "reset"
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. The requested tool exists.


The request was unsuccessful. The requested tool does not exist. For example:

   ["Resource does not exist"],
   "error_code": "NOT_FOUND"


The universe is the known collection of cookbooks that have been uploaded to Chef Supermarket. The universe is JSON data organized by cookbook, then by cookbook version, and then by a dependency graph that lists each dependency a cookbook version may have on other cookbooks or cookbook versions.

Use the /universe endpoint to retrieve the known collection of cookbooks, and then use it with Berkshelf.

The /universe endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to retrieve the universe data.

This method has no parameters.


GET /universe


The response will return an embedded hash, with the name of each cookbook as a top-level key. Each cookbook will list each version, along with its location information and dependencies:

  "ffmpeg": {
    "0.1.0": {
      "location_path": ""
      "location_type": "supermarket",
      "dependencies": {
        "git": ">= 0.0.0",
        "build-essential": ">= 0.0.0",
        "libvpx": "~> 0.1.1",
        "x264": "~> 0.1.1"
    "0.1.1": {
      "location_path": ""
      "location_type": "supermarket",
      "dependencies": {
        "git": ">= 0.0.0",
        "build-essential": ">= 0.0.0",
        "libvpx": "~> 0.1.1",
        "x264": "~> 0.1.1"
   "pssh": {
    "0.1.0": {
      "location_path": ""
      "location_type": "supermarket",
      "dependencies": {},
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. One (or more) cookbooks and associated cookbook version information was returned.


The users/[USERNAME] endpoint allows a specific Chef Supermarket user to be accessed. This endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get the details for a user.

This method has no parameters.


GET /api/v1/users/USERNAME


The response will return details for a user, including their name, Chef username, associated account details, and a list of cookbooks and tools that are associated with the user. Cookbooks are grouped into three categories: those that are owned by this user, those in which this user has collaborated, and those that are followed.

  "username": "stevedanno",
  "name": "Steve Danno",
  "company": "Chef Software, Inc",
  "github": [
  "twitter": "stevedanno",
  "irc": "stevedanno",
  "cookbooks": {
    "owns": {
      "bacon": ""
      "chef-sugar": ""
    "collaborates": {
      "build-essential": ""
      "jenkins": ""
    "follows": {
      "bacon": ""
      "chef-sugar": ""
  "tools": {
    "owns": {
      "bacon_tool": ""

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