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Chef Infra Language: Checking Platforms

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Use the platform? helper method to ensure that certain actions are run for specific platforms. The platform? method will return true if one of the listed parameters matches the node['platform'] attribute that is detected by Ohai during every Chef Infra Client run.

The syntax for the platform? method is as follows:

platform?('parameter', 'parameter')


  • parameter is a comma-separated list, each specifying a platform, such as Red Hat, CentOS, or Fedora
  • platform? method is typically used with an if, elsif, or case statement that contains Ruby code that is specific for the platform, if detected

platform Values

amazonAmazon Linux
archArch Linux
cloudlinuxCloud Linux OS
cumulusNVIDIA Cumulus Linux
debianDebian GNU/Linux
gentooGentoo Linux
linuxmintLinux Mint
opensuseleapopenSUSE leap
raspbianRaspberry Pi OS
scientificScientific Linux
solaris2Oracle Solaris
suseSUSE Enterprise Linux Server.
ubuntuUbuntu Linux
windowsMicrosoft Windows
xenserverCitrix XenServer


Installing the cron package on Debian systems

package 'cron' if platform?('debian')

Deleting a file on Red Hat and Debian systems

if platform?('redhat', 'debian')
  file '/etc/some_config' do
    action :remove

Installing the correct Firefox package

The following example shows how an if statement can be used with the platform? method in the Chef Infra Language to run code specific to Microsoft Windows. The code is defined using the ruby_block resource:

if platform?('windows')
  chocolatey_package 'firefox'
  package 'firefox'


Use the platform_family? method to ensure that certain actions are run for specific platform family. The platform_family? method will return true if one of the listed parameters matches the node['platform_family'] attribute that is detected by Ohai during every Chef Infra Client run.

The syntax for the platform_family? method is as follows:

platform_family?('parameter', 'parameter')


  • 'parameter' is a comma-separated list, each specifying a platform family, such as Debian, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • platform_family? method is typically used with an if, elsif, or case statement that contains Ruby code that is specific for the platform family, if detected

platform_family Values

aixaix platform.
alpinealpine platform.
amazonamazon platform.
archarch, manjaro, and antergos platforms.
debiandebian, ubuntu, linuxmint, raspbian, cumulus, kali, pop platforms.
fedorafedora, pidora, and arista_eos platform
freebsdfreebsd platform
gentoogentoo platform
mac_os_xmac_os_x platform
netbsdnetbsd platform
openbsdopenbsd platform
openindianaopenindiana platform
rhelredhat, centos, oracle, scientific, xenserver, clearos, bigip, parallels, xcp, and ibm_powerkvm platforms
solaris2solaris2 platform
slesopensuse_leap, suse, and sled platforms
windowswindows platform


For example:



platform_family?('slackware', 'suse', 'arch')

Use a specific binary for a specific platform

The following is an example of using the platform_family? method in the Chef Infra Language to create a variable that can be used with other resources in the same recipe. In this example, platform_family? is being used to ensure that a specific binary is used for a specific platform before using the remote_file resource to download a file from a remote location, and then using the execute resource to install that file by running a command.

if platform_family?('rhel')
  pip_binary = '/usr/bin/pip'
  pip_binary = '/usr/local/bin/pip'

remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/" do
  source ''
  mode '0755'
  not_if { ::File.exist?(pip_binary) }

execute 'install-pip' do
  cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
  command <<-EOF
    # command for installing Python goes here
  not_if { ::File.exist?(pip_binary) }

where a command for installing Python might look something like:

#{::File.dirname(pip_binary)}/easy_install pip


Use the value_for_platform method in a recipe to select a value based on the node['platform'] and node['platform_version'] attributes. These values are detected by Ohai during every Chef Infra Client run.

The syntax for the value_for_platform method is as follows:

value_for_platform( ['platform', ...] => { 'version' => 'value' } )


  • 'platform', ... is a comma-separated list of platforms, such as Red Hat, openSUSE, or Fedora
  • version specifies the version of that platform
  • Version constraints—>, <, >=, <=, ~>—may be used with version; an exception is raised if two version constraints match; an exact match will always take precedence over a match made from a version constraint
  • value specifies the value that will be used if the node’s platform matches the value_for_platform method

When each value only has a single platform, use the following syntax:

  'platform' => { 'version' => 'value' },
  'platform' => { 'version' => 'value' },
  'platform' => 'value'

When each value has more than one platform, the syntax changes to:

  ['platform', 'platform', ... ] => {
    'version' => 'value'


The following operators may be used:

=equal to
>greater than
<less than
>=greater than or equal to; also known as "optimistically greater than", or "optimistic"
<=less than or equal to
~>approximately greater than; also known as "pessimistically greater than", or "pessimistic"


The following example will set package_name to httpd for the Red Hat platform and to apache2 for the Debian platform:

package_name = value_for_platform(
  ['centos', 'redhat', 'suse', 'fedora' ] => {
    'default' => 'httpd'
  ['ubuntu', 'debian'] => {
    'default' => 'apache2'

The following example will set package to apache-couchdb for OpenBSD platforms, dev-db/couchdb for Gentoo platforms, and couchdb for all other platforms:

package = value_for_platform(
  'openbsd' => { 'default' => 'apache-couchdb' },
  'gentoo' => { 'default' => 'dev-db/couchdb' },
  'default' => 'couchdb'

The following example shows using version constraints to specify a value based on the version:

  'os1' => { '< 1.0' => 'less than 1.0',
             '~> 2.0' => 'version 2.x',
             '>= 3.0' => 'greater than or equal to version 3.0',
             '3.0.1' => '3.0.1 will always use this value' }


Use the value_for_platform_family method in a recipe to select a value based on the node['platform_family'] attribute. This value is detected by Ohai during every Chef Infra Client run.

The syntax for the value_for_platform_family method is as follows:

value_for_platform_family( 'platform_family' => 'value', ... )


  • 'platform_family' => 'value', ... is a comma-separated list of platforms, such as Fedora, openSUSE, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • value specifies the value that will be used if the node’s platform family matches the value_for_platform_family method

When each value only has a single platform, use the following syntax:

  'platform_family' => 'value',
  'platform_family' => 'value',
  'platform_family' => 'value'

When each value has more than one platform, the syntax changes to:

  ['platform_family', 'platform_family', 'platform_family', 'platform_family' ] => 'value',
  ['platform_family', 'platform_family'] => 'value',
  'default' => 'value'

The following example will set package to httpd-devel for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, and openSUSE platforms and to apache2-dev for the Debian platform:

package = value_for_platform_family(
  ['rhel', 'fedora', 'suse'] => 'httpd-devel',
    'debian' => 'apache2-dev'

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